America. Land of the ______ , home of the _____.

As a kid growing up in suburban Sydney, I thought of America as a magical, mythical place.

One of my first memories was watching America put a man on the moon and as we all did, I grew up with the influence of American movies and TV shows… they were automatically cooler.

After watching the first Presidential Debate of 2020, the America of today is anything but magical and cool. The debate simply clarified what we’ve seen unravelling over the last four years. You can only have sympathy for Americans who have had to endure the Trump presidency and will live with the resulting stains and stench of it for many years.

I disagree with the observers calling the debate a shit show / train wreck / dumpster fire… it was always going to be like that. What did they expect? A courteous and engaging President clearly and unemotionally laying out his well-thought-out roadmap for the next four years, while calmly dissecting Biden? Trump was always going to be Trump… he doesn’t know any other way.

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Biden was obviously more (Vice) Presidential, smiling incredulously, rolling his eyes, refuting Trump’s usual outlandish and incendiary barbs… when he got the chance. I suggest the moderators of the next debates are armed with a mute button and a taser.

Some political pundits are suggesting that Biden should refuse to front up for the next two debates. That would be a bad move… only appealing to Trump’s (de)base of rabid MAGA hat wearing autobots. Biden, by simply showing up and doing more of the same as he did in the first debate, will come across as a calm, statesman-like antidote, someone to hopefully lead America out of the Trump clusterfuck wilderness.

By all reports Trump is behind in the polls, he’s the one who needs a new approach, a different game plan if he is to inhabit the White House for another four years. Watch this space.

I’m looking forward to the inauguration of President Biden, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump wins again in November. That would be very 2020.

©Steve Williams 2020