The old man wasn’t sure what to do

The old man wasn’t sure what to do. 

He looked down at the piece of paper in his hand, back up, then back down.

The words in his wife’s neat handwriting, TOILET PAPER. 

She’d written the shopping list in big letters because he never wears his bloody glasses.
This was the last thing on his list. He tried to steady his shaking hand and read it again.


The old man was doing the shopping for his wife. They normally do it together, slowly shuffling the block or two up the street, always holding hands. Always.

She wasn’t up to it today. 

He didn’t understand. How can there be no toilet paper?

Maybe I’m in the wrong aisle.  

But it was here last week.

There’s always toilet paper. 

Maybe they’ve moved it. 

He read the words again, hoping that would somehow make it appear. TOILET PAPER.

Why would they move the toilet paper? 

Maybe they don’t sell it anymore. 

But they’d have to sell toilet paper. 

I can see those labels on the shelf, below all the empty space. 


Doesn’t make any sense.

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The old man wasn’t sure what to do. The entire aisle was empty.
They needed toilet paper. His wife…

Here comes someone.

A man pushing a trolley with four of those big packs of toilet paper in it. 

Maybe he works here. 

“Excuse me, can I have a packet of that toilet paper?”

“You’re too late, it’s all gone.”

“Are you going to put that on the shelf?”

“No, I don’t work here, this is mine. I got the last of it.”

“Could I please have a packet of it?”

“No. We need it.”

“But we don’t have any…”

“I said no.”

“Just one pack please… my wife…”

“No, fuck off you old bastard, this thing will kill you soon anyway.”

The old man wasn’t sure what to do.

©Steve Williams 2020